Sixth grade Transitions provides a tutorial on how to be a thriving sixth grader academically, socially, and emotionally. The class offers opportunities for students to investigate and understand their preferred learning styles, use that information to personalize their own method of study, and take agency in their education. This technique of “thinking about thinking” combined with lessons on positive habit formation, the two controllables of effort and attitude, and developing grit help students to build capacity, leave their comfort zones, and move into their courage zones in all areas of their academic and personal life.
The teaching of active reading strategies, notetaking, and study skills promote a deeper organization and focus of their studies which generate more abstract and critical thinking by the students. These organizational skills, coupled with time management training, help ensure a more complex understanding and appreciation of their coursework in middle school. As assessment is a part of any academic experience, a thorough investigation of pre-assessment preparation, test-taking strategies, and post-assessment work remains a main staple of the curriculum. In addition, leadership opportunities, personal goal setting, and nurturing the students' physical and emotional well-being round out the class's major themes. Our students will possess the tools to study smarter, not harder, and successfully move forward.
Lastly, on the social level, students are engaged to understand the importance of developing relationships and building communication skills. Their work on these relevant relational skills will involve self-awareness, active listening, empathy, resilience, and group problem-solving.