Serving Preschool Through 8th Grade in the San Francisco East Bay Since 1962


As we educate the whole child, we recognize that Middle School is a special time in a child’s education. There is an opportunity for personal growth and academic challenge, a desire for comfort and elbow room, adult advocacy, and growing independence. Every Seven Hills student participates in a small mixed-grade advisory group of Middle School students and an educator/advisor who meets twice each week of the school year.
The purpose of advisories is to provide:
  • a place of comfort, a place to feel at home and belong
  • diverse and cross-grade social contact
  • a one-to-one relationship between advisor and advisee for communication and direction
  • a staff member who has a thorough knowledge of the student’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, and personal growth
  • an adult advocate
  • communications with parents
  • primary contact for students, parents, and other teachers
  • peer problem-solving and support opportunities in a small group setting
  • an overview of a student’s school experience

Our operating axioms are:
  • Advisors are educators with an affinity for the Middle School child and have an understanding of adolescent development
  • Groups are crafted with extensive input from all past and participating educators
  • Groups balance gender and age
  • Social/emotional training gives students a way to recognize, understand, and choose how to think, feel and act
  • Groups deepen their service-learning by working on community service projects
Advisory is a cool place to talk with friends about school and what is happening in your life – we have deeper discussions without judgment. Your advisor is an advocate you can go to at any time. - Caroline, Middle School student