Serving Preschool Through 8th Grade in the San Francisco East Bay Since 1962

The Work of the Board of Trustees: A Strategic Partnership

Seven Hills’ continued success is a collective effort involving trustees, faculty, staff, parents, guardians, volunteers, and the generosity of our philanthropic community. The partnership between the Board of Trustees and the Head of School is a key pillar of the school’s long-term success. This page offers insight into the role of the Board, its committees, and current priorities.

Key areas of Board activity include:

  • Planning: Overseeing and guiding the Seven Hills strategic plan, ensuring the school is on track to meet its goals and objectives.
  • Finance: Managing the school’s financial resources, including the approval of the annual budget and setting tuition.
  • Collaboration: Advising, supporting, and retaining the Head of School.
The Seven Hills Board operates through a series of standing committees, along with ad hoc and advisory committees formed as needed. Currently, there are three standing committees: Finance, Governance, and Risk Management & Audit. Additionally, two ad hoc committees support the strategic plan: Development and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB). These committees meet regularly, separate from full Board meetings, to research and develop recommendations on important school matters. Most committees also include at least one member of the Seven Hills staff who serves as a liaison to the school’s administration. The Executive Committee acts as close advisors to the Head of School, and most trustees serve on one or two committees.

The full Board meets regularly throughout the school year. These meetings typically feature reports from the school administration and Board committees, addressing key issues. Occasionally, outside speakers present on important topics like diversity, fundraising, and trends in independent school education.

Standing Committees

List of 3 items.

  • Finance & Investment

    Consistent with the Board of Trustees' governance principles regarding fiduciary duty and oversight responsibilities, the Finance Committee oversees the school's financial management, budget, investment, and fiscal integrity (procedures and audit). The committee advises the Administration in preparing the annual budget and advises the Board regarding annual tuition setting.
  • Governance

    Governance ensures a strong board by undertaking an ongoing trustee nomination process, including analysis and planning for future needs and clarifying the expectations of a trustee to candidates. They also oversee trustee orientation and development as well as conduct the annual board health survey.
  • Risk Management & Audit

    The Risk Committee assists the Board in its oversight of the school’s activities, including financial and operational risks and other material risks and exposures, as well as the actions and activities of the school to mitigate such risks and exposures, to the extent such oversight is not otherwise the responsibility of another committee of the Board.

Ad-Hoc Committees

List of 2 items.

  • Development

    Working with the Director of Development and team, the committee provides advice on and helps with the strategic direction and implementation of all aspects of the development program, including the Annual Fund, Auction, capital and endowment campaigns, alumni relations, donor cultivation, and stewardship.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)

    A joint committee of trustees, parents, administrators, faculty, and alumni charged with steering the diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging efforts at Seven Hills, the DEIB committee is unique in that multiple constituencies are represented. The committee works to enrich the student experience and school community through cultural competency, promote an inclusive environment, and expand accessibility and affordability.


List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • Q: How is the work of the Board of Trustees carried out?

    There are currently seven board committees: Executive, Campus Infrastructure & Sustainability, Development, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Belonging, Finance, Governance, and Risk Management. Current subcommittees are Investment and Audit. These committees are comprised of smaller groups of Board members. Committee meetings are held separately from the full Board regularly and generally work to research and develop recommendations on issues of importance to the school. Board members typically serve on one or two committees. Most committees also include at least one Seven Hills staff member who participates as a liaison to school administration. At the discretion of the Head of School and Board Chair, ad hoc or advisory committees can be formed as needs arise.
    The full Board meets regularly during the school year. These meetings typically include reports from the school administration and Board committees addressing matters requiring the Board's attention. Periodically, outside speakers present on key topics such as diversity, fundraising, and trends in independent school education.
  • Q: What is the leadership structure of the Board?

    As prescribed in the Board's by-laws, it is led by the Officers who comprise the Executive Committee. Following the Principles of Best Practices for governance set out by NAIS, the Executive Committee at Seven Hills includes the Board Chair, at least one Vice-Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
  • Q: How do the Board and the Head of School coordinate their work?

    The Board, with the Head, creates the school's strategic plan. The Head and Admin Leadership team are responsible for overseeing its implementation. The Head also works in partnership with the Board to establish and refine the school’s mission and articulate that mission to students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni, and the community. The Head alone is responsible for collaborating with faculty and staff to develop and maintain the academic programs that fulfill the school's mission. The Head deals directly with parent needs and concerns while also managing the school’s regular operations.
  • Q: Who serves on the Board and how is it composed?

    Members of the Board have included current parents, alumni, past parents, educators, and community leaders. Following the NAIS Principles, the Board strives for a composition that "reflects the strategic expertise, resources, and perspectives needed to achieve the mission and strategic objectives of the school."

    Seven Hills enjoys an enormous surplus of community members who could serve as trustees. The Board's Governance Committee determines which mix of skill sets and outside experiences may be needed for incoming board members based on the School’s strategic needs and goals. The Committee also looks at the skills and experiences of departing Trustees and tries to balance skills and perspectives from one year to another. Once the Board’s current needs are identified, the Governance Committee reviews the alumni, parent, past parent, and grandparent population, as well as educators and community leaders from outside the Seven Hills community, to determine the right mix of time, wisdom, and skills currently needed to help steward Seven Hills.

    The Governance Committee takes its role of presenting potential trustees to the full Board very seriously. Over each school year, members of the Committee meet with candidates to get to know them and familiarize them with the work of the Board. The slate of new trustees is voted on by the full Board each spring. Trustees are expected to fully participate in all areas of school life and serve three-year terms, which may be renewed twice. Members of the Seven Hills community are welcome to nominate qualified candidates by contacting Greg Marsh, the current Chair of the Governance Committee.

    Seven Hills is fortunate to have several of our current parents on the Board of Trustees, as well as alumni parents, alumni, educators, and community leaders. We deeply appreciate those volunteers who serve as trustees. We thank them for their time, talent, and deep dedication to the school's long-term success.
  • Q: How does the Board communicate with parents?

    Throughout the year, parents can expect to receive communications from the Chair of the Board of Trustees in which he/she details significant school developments and pertinent news. These include the annual All Community Parent Dinner, Fall and Winter Town Hall Meetings, parent events, and periodic emails.

Role of Board: Governance

Role of School: Management


Named for the family who once owned the land on which the school flourishes, The Hale Society recognizes the spirit of service of those trustees who have successfully completed at least one three-year term of service. Permanent membership in this society honors their
vision, willingness to serve, and generosity of spirit.